Legal Aid Procedure
Legal Aid Procedure, 2076
- Short title and Commencement:
(1) These procedure may be called as “Legal Aid Procedure 2076”. (2)These Procedure shall come into force immediately.
- Definition: Unless the subject or context otherwise requires, in these Rules,-
(a) “Act” means the Legal Aid Act, 2054.
(b) “Committee” means the Central and District Legal Aid Committee pursuant to part (b) and (c) of Section 2 of the Act.
(c) “Member” means member of the Committee and it also refers to chairman and member-secretary of the committee.
(d) “Procedure” means the Legal Aid Procedure, 2076.
(e) “Board” means the Forum for Nation Building Nepal.
(e) “FNB Team” means the Staff of Forum for Nation Building Nepal.
Provisions related to provide the Legal Aid
- Application has to be submitted to be entitled to Legal Aid:
- A Nepalese citizen who intends to be entitled to legal aid pursuant shall submit an application in the board in the format as prescribed by Schedule-1.
- The application submitted pursuant to Sub-directive (1) shall attach a recommendation made by, in the format prescribed by Schedule-2, in case of Ward office by Chairperson or Member or Secretary of the concerned Municipality or Rural municipality and in case of municipality by chairperson of the concerned ward.
- Notwithstanding anything contained, if the person intending to be entitled to Legal Aid does not know to fill the application form or is unable to attend in the committee’s office to fill the application form, then other person who is trusted by him/her shall submit an application in the committee or board .
- If the application submitted pursuant the committee’s employee shall register the application after making required inquiry according to the provisions of the application form and also attaching the recommendations made pursuant .
- While the application is submitted for the registration in the committee, if there are any documents which verifies the detailed mentioned in the application, such document also has to be submitted by the applicant.
- Examination of the Application: The board member and FNB Team shall make an examination on the application registered pursuant and the attached documents herewith and shall submit it in the meeting of the committee or board or FNB Nepal Team.
- Decision of the committee or board or FNB Nepal Team:
- In relation to the application submitted in the meeting of the committee pursuant to Rule 4, the committee shall make a decision on whether to provide legal Aid or not subject to the provisions of the Act, these Rules and policies and directives determined time and again by the central committee.
- Regarding the decision made pursuant to Schedule(1), the nature of the applicant’s case, the limitation for the registration of a case or the limitation for the reply in a case shall be considered and decision have to be made within the Forty Five days since the date of application.
(3) The information on decision made by the committee pursuant to Schedule(2) shall be provided to the concerned applicant.
- Legal Aid shall not be entitled:
- The committee shall not entitle any person who has the Annual income more the Forty Thousand, for legal aid.
- Earthquake survivors must be submitted beneficiary card with application. s
- The committee shall not entitle the convicted party of the following cases, for legal aid:-
(a)Under the Espionage Act, 2018 (1962),
(b)Under the Human Trafficking (Control) Act, 2043,
(c) Cases under Ancient Monument Preservation Act, 2013,
(d) Cases which has the punishment under Chapter on Rape of the Criminal Code,
(e) Cases under Prevention of Corruption Act, 2017 and Commission for the Investigation and Abuse of Authority Act, 2048,
(f) Cases under the Revenue Leakages Control Act, 2052,
(g) Cases under Drug (Control) Act, 2033,
(h) Other cases prescribed on time and again by central committee.
- Operation of Fund:
- The money received in the name of the fund of the committee or board shall be deposited in the commercial bank prescribed by the committee.
- The operation of the fund pursuant to the survivors none exceeding to three times in case for lodging, fooding and Transportation fee.
- Lodging Cost : Rs. 700/-
- Fooding Cost: Rs. 500/-
- Transportation Cost : (As per Bus Ticket)
- In one Case per person Lodging, Fooding and Transportation cost is bearing by FNB Nepal but in case of Legal Aid providing for the end of the case by lawyer.
- Lawyer fee is determent as per the mutual agreement of lawyer and FNB Nepal for legal Aid services.
अनुसुचि १
कानुनी सहायता माग गर्नको लागि दिइने दरखास्त फारमको नमुना
श्री अध्यक्ष ज्यु,
राष्टि निर्माण मञ्च नेपाल
बुद्धनगर काठमाडौं
विषय : कानुनी सहायता उपलब्त्र गराइदिने बारे ।
मलाई कानुनी सहायताको आवश्यक परेको हुनाले देहाय बमोजिमको विवरण खुलाइ कानुनी सहायता पाउनका लागि अनुरोध गर्दछु ।
कानुनी सहायता उपलब्ध गराइनु पर्ने विषय बस्तुको संक्षिप्त विवरण :
परिवारिक स्थितिको विवरण :
आर्थिक स्थितिको विवरण :
आर्थिक स्थितिको विवरण : मेरो मुख्य पेशा व्यवसाय ………………….हो । सो बाहेक मैले नोकरी/व्यापार/ व्यवसाय गरेको छु / गरेको छैन । अनय नोकरी व्यापार र व्यवसाय गरेता पनि मेरो वार्षिक कुल आय रु चालीस हजार रुपैयाँ भन्दा बढी छैन ।
माथि अल्लिखित व्यहोरा प्रमाणि गर्न देहाय बमोजिमका कागजातको सक्कल तथा नक्कल प्रतिहरु यसै साथ संलग्न गरेको छु ।
यसमा लेखिएको व्यहोरा ठीक साँचो हो । झुठा ठहरे कानुन बमोजिम सँहुला बुझाउला ।
हस्ताक्षर ———————-
ठेगाना :………………………
अनुसुचि २
कानुनी सहायता दिलाउन सम्बन्धित गाउँपालिका वा नगरपालिकाका वडा कार्यालयका वडा अध्यक्ष / सचिव
श्री अध्यक्ष ज्यु,
राष्टि निर्माण मञ्च नेपाल
बुद्धनगर काठमाडौं
विषय : कानुनी सहायता उपलब्त्र गराइदिने बारे सिफारिश ।
यसमा कानुनी सहायताको लागि माग गर्ने श्री…………………………….. यस ………………………….. गा.पा. वा नगरपालिका अन्तर्गत वडा नं……….का बासिन्दा हुन् । निजको मुख्य पेशा, व्यवसाय कृषि/नोकारी / व्यापार /…………………हो । मुख्य पेशा, व्यवसाय तथा अन्य स्रोतबाट समेत गरी निजको वार्षिक कुल आय रु चालिस हजार हजारभन्दा कम रहेकोछ । निजको आर्थिक स्थिति अनुसार……………………मुद्धा दायर गर्न । मुद्धा दर्ता गर्न , प्रतिउत्तर फिराउन लगायत अन्य कानुनी सल्लाहको लागि कानुन व्यवसायी मुकरर गर्न सक्ने स्थिति नरहेकोले निजलाई त्यस समितिबाट कानुनी सहायता उपलब्ध गराइदिनुहुन सिफारिससाथ अनुरोघ गसिन्छ ।
सिफारिस गर्ने :
गा.पा./न.पाको नाम :
सिफारिस गर्ने गा.पा./न.पाको वडा कार्यालयको छाप :
दर्जा :
वडा अध्यक्ष वा सचिवले सिफारिस
गरेको भए वडा नं. :
सिफारिसकर्ताको सही :
मिति :
यसमा लेखिएको व्यहोरा ठीक साँचो हो । झुठा ठहरे कानुन बमोजिम सँहुला बुझाउला ।
सिफारिसकर्ताको नाम :