FNB Nepal has been shorlisted for the PILnet’s award 2018

FNB Nepal has been shorlisted for the PILnet’s award 2018

Forum for Nation Building (FNB) Nepal has been shorlisted for the PILnet’s award 2018 for local pro bono impact honoring the theme of community mobile legal clinics for earthquake victims. as one of the best innovative pro bono legal project around the globe. Since 2015, FNB Nepal has directly reached more than 16000 people, counseling the local legal needs of the earthquake victims at more than 180 CMLC conducted at eight of the most hard-hit districts of the 2015 earthquake. The award recognized the organization for not only minimizing the workload of the government but also creating an efficient and inventive alternatives towards the existing legal problems. Please find more details on: https://www.probonoforum.org/europe/2018-shortlist-for-pilnets-award-for-local-pro-bono-impact/

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