In Gorkha, total three CMLC were conducted in different wards. Firstly, CMLC was conducted in Palungtar municipality ward no. 4 on 8th June with 67 participants. Most of the people had problems in receiving grant amount and second instalment as they were unknown about legal provision. As people were enthusiastic to know about the provision relating to domestic violence they were provided with the information about prevailing laws relating to domestic violence. Likewise, they were provided with the legal provision regarding property right of child in case of separation of his/her parents after divorce. Similarly, people were provided with the information and procedure about borrowing loan from collective guarantee in low interest rate. FNB had conducted CMLC in Gorkha, Palungtar municipality ward no. 5 and 6 on 23rd August where 174 participants were present. They were provided with the information about property right of baby born from child marriage, procedure of birth registration, property right of women after getting divorce with her husband, polygamy and its punishment, procedure to enlist the name of earthquake victim in beneficiary list.